![]() ![]() ‘본종은 신라 헌덕왕 5년에 조계 혜능조사의 증법손 서당지장 선사에게서 심인(心印)을 받은 도의국사를 종조로 하고, 고려의 태고보우 국사를 중흥조로하여 이하 청허와 부휴 양법맥을 계계승승(係係承承)한다’ 고 정하고 있다. 현재 조계종의 법맥은 도의국사의 가지산문의 법맥을 승계하고 있다. 가지산문의 초조인 도의국사부터, 원적도의(元寂道義)-억성염거(億聖廉居)-보조체징(普照體澄)- 선각형미(先覺逈微)-무위도수(無爲道修)-혜공정열(慧空定悅)- 월산경월(月山景月)-인각자흘(麟角自屹)-보림이익(寶林爾益)- 지산혜안(智山慧安)-향수혜함(香水惠含)-원응학일(圓應學一)- 홍원도태(弘圓道泰)-구산해안(龜山海安)-진전대웅(陳田大雄)- 보각견명(普覺見明)-보감혼구(寶鑑混丘)-진정청진(眞靜淸珍)- 회엄광지(檜儼廣智)-태고보우(太古普愚)로 이어진다. ![]() 경허 스님의 법제자에 대해서는, ‘경허성우선사 법어집간행회’가 편찬한 《경허법어》에, 수월음관(水月音觀,1855~1928), 혜월혜명(慧月慧明,1862~1937), 용성진종(龍城震鐘,1864~1940), 침운현주(枕雲玄住,?), 만공월면(滿空月面,1871~1946), 혜봉(慧峰,?~?), 한암중원(漢巖重遠, 1876~1951)으로 되어 있다. 경허 스님은 <등등상속>에서 자신의 상수제자로 혜월혜명 스님을 올려놓았다. -출처 : 만불신문 제137호 불기2549년 8월6일자 서현욱 기자- 경허 선사 밑에서 훌륭한 제자들이 배출되어 네 분이 법을 전해 받았으니, 혜월(慧月), 만공(滿空), 침운(枕雲), 한암(漢岩) 선사입니다. |
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Mandelbrot and others suggested that the character of market moves is generally significantly better explained using non-linear analysis and ideas of chaos idea.
Due to the natural inhomogeneity of the fabric, it is not uncommon to seek out some regions with small inclusions or porosity, inside the material or on its surface, where strain will focus, resulting in a neighborhood reduction in cross-sectional area.
A white board on the entrance of the room.
Today, the company has an much more complex job — to protect the United States from terrorist threats from everywhere in the globe.
Again, this has for use alongside with the opposite indicators because it merely acts as a tool that expresses the possibilities of your opportunity.
Of course, the front tires are liable for steering, but several other units of tires are answerable for placing the large diesel engine’s energy onto the street while at the same time bearing the load of whatever the truck is carrying.
When I started 1stDrive back in 2005 it was cheap and easy to advertise online but things
have changed.
This can be a real issue at times such as during the pandemic of 2020.
Track the performance of instructors on pass rates, cancellations and every pupils driving progress.
It isn’t quite that simple and you don’t always
get higher for paying more.
It can feel like you’re a naughty kid at first, bunking off school and spending time
at home.
With RED, you can easily schedule a trial lesson to test the
The Total Drive team are always enhancing the software
and listening to feedback.
We have close links with policy and decision makers in road safety and driver training, so that our members’ can seek real answers to their concerns.
Please feel free to contact us and we’ll happily answer any of your questions.