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물론 mp3 파일 뿐 아니라 기타 파일 또는 폴더명도 수정가능합니다.
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아래는 툴팁설명서에는 안 나오는 사항에 대해 설명해 놓은 그림파일입니다.
한번 사용해보시고 버그리포팅과 개선사항에 대해 말씀해 주시면 적극 반영하겠습니다.
그럼 좋은 하루 되세요 ^^
201개의 댓글
Manage your business online and on the go with Hubcapp – our
simple website and app for franchise instructors.
A trial lesson provides a low-pressure environment to decide
whether they’ll make your learning journey enjoyable, engaging,
and ultimately successful.
Remember, safe drivers pass and get their driver licence on the first go.
You can also choose to enter the first name, surname, company name or ADI number of
an instructor.
Manage your work-life balance with the Total Drive diary that syncs to Google Calendar and Apple
To become a fully licensed driver, you will need to complete a driver education course and
pass a driving test.
Instructor trainers working at driving schools are not always bad, they’re just not the best.
Joining drive.je in 2020, David has a great personality and a good sense of humour.
Piers founded drive.je in 2017 after rebranding his driving school business.
Despite the fact that they may not be supplying you with pupils and you have no money coming in you still have
to pay the franchise fee.
My PDI’s are able to monitor their pupils lessons and progress and remind their own pupils when their lessons are booked.
Gary prides himself in ensuring all his pupils pass and
go on to be competent and safe drivers.
And last, but certainly not least, the superb support we
get from the developers.
Consider there is usually a 3 to 6-month waiting time for ADI
part 2 and ADI part 3 tests.
Remember, a supportive instructor can make the learning process smoother, helping you to not only pass your driving test
but also develop safe driving habits for a lifetime.